Thursday, May 10, 2007


Just to weigh in on the whole Jason Neroni thing. Old friend of mine used to roll her eyes when I would do something clumsy (which was often). "Cute, but not so bright," she'd say. I was a huge fan of Porchetta--ate there at least five times, usually had the lemon gnocchi which did not taste like lemon pledge at all. Neroni did incredible things with classic Italian dishes--I remember having a carpaccio with candied fennel seeds. So I was happy to see the review give him a star, even if it wasn't completely effusive. I was a little disappointed at Bruni's personal criticism of Neroni, which has no place in a review (a different topic, one which I'm sure the count will allow me to redress soon enough). But now, it seems, Neroni's personal life is fair game. Talented, but not so bright. And possibly on speed. It would explain the behavior, and from past interactions he and his erstwhile pastry chef do come off as a little, what's the word, distracted? Fidgety?

But the good news: even though it's farewell to Lupa on Smith, the owner is reopening within the next two weeks. Word is it's going to be a steak joint...Stay tuned.

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